On the trail of medieval pilgrims

On the trail of medieval pilgrims

On the trail of medieval pilgrims

# Pilgerinitiative-en

On the trail of medieval pilgrims

Ecumenical Pilgrimage with the words of St. Brigitta of Sweden
Berlin - Bad Wilsnack
April 26 to May 4, 2024

Our pilgrimage begins on Friday evening at 7 p.m. with an evening of getting to know each other at the St. Jacobi Berlin Pilgrim Center. On the inner path, we connect with the key words of St. Brigitta of Sweden's pilgrimage. The outer path leads us via Alt-Heiligensee, Flatow, Fehrbellin, Barsikow, Barenthin, Klein Leppin to the Wunderblutkirche in Bad Wilsnack.

The route requires a good level of fitness (daily distances of around 20-25 km) on forest-like and paved field and country lanes. Appropriate clothing and footwear are required. Our pilgrim accommodations are varied, ranging from simple

common rooms, in churches and church towers with sleeping mats, sleeping bags or camp beds/beds. A Boni bus will accompany us on the pilgrimage. This means that there is the possibility that your sleeping bag and mattress can travel with you. During the day, you will have to take care of your supplies from your backpack.

Participants are responsible for their own travel costs to Berlin and back from Bad Wilsnack. Cancellation is possible free of charge until April 11.

The participation fee of €295 includes the expenses for the pre-booked pilgrim accommodation, the communal meals in the morning and evening, with the exception of the day of arrival in Bad Wilsnack.

The organizer is the Ecumenical Pilgrim Initiative Vorpommern e.V.

The contribution is to be transferred to the following account:

Account holder: Ökumenische Pilgerinitiative Vorpommern e.V.
Purpose: Bad Wilsnack 17.-18. KW`24
IBAN: DE92 1505 0500 0102 1307 87

The pilgrimage group is limited to a maximum of 12 participants. By transferring the fee, the conditions of participation are accepted. The order of registration and the crediting of the participation fee will apply. We reserve the right to change the number of participants.

Please register by April 6, 2024 by emailing:

Best regards,

Ellen Nemitz – Pastor
Marion von Brechan – Tourism Ministry of the Archdiocese of Berlin
(both members of the Verein Ökumenische Pilgerinitiative Vorpommern e.V.)

Thomas N.H. Knoll – Lay preacher and network coordinator at the St. Jacobi Berlin Pilgrimage Center (Ev. KG Kreuzberg)

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