07/03/2025 0 Kommentare
Gratitude: Pilgrimage break “With God in the countryside”
Gratitude: Pilgrimage break “With God in the countryside”
Gratitude: Pilgrimage break “With God in the countryside”

© Sabine Petters
Samstag, 29. März 2025, 09:00 Uhr
Jager Chapel, Jager 6, 18519 Sundhagen
Registration: S. Petters, sabinepetters@t-online.de, distance: 14 km
30,00 €
Just get out, take a deep breath and reach out to chance
Devotions at the start and end in the “Open Chapel” Jager
Impulses for pausing and sharing.
The days can be booked individually or over several days.
Start at 9 a.m. at the Jager chapel
Participant fee per day 30,00 €
Max. 10 participants
Registration: sabinepetters@t-online.de
Tue 25.03. Departure 12 km
Wed 26. 03. Confidence 12 km
Thu 27. 03. Courage 22 km
Fri 28. 03. Devotion 24 km
Sat 29. 03. Gratitude 14 km
The pilgrimage days will be offered again in the same format from 10-14.11.25.